Helpful Hints: A Guide to Fabric Precuts

If you are a newbie to the world of fabric there can be quite a bit of lingo thrown around that is industry specific. When buying fabric you typically think of buying fabric off the bolt but another option for buying fabric is called a precut.
What is a Precut?
Precut fabric is simply that: a bundle of fabric that has been PRE-CUT for you to hopefully make your project easier.
There are quite a few different options but here are the most common.
Fat Quarter Bundle
A fat quarter is a quarter yard of fabric cut in a fat square measuring 18" x 22". When cut by the manufacturer, these bundles usually have one of each fabric in the line so they can be a great way to make sure you have the full collection waiting for you when you decide what project you want to tackle with it. A fat quarter is really versatile and works for lots of different quilts. Our shop loves to put custom fat quarter bundles together by colors, themes and more. Click here to shop all fat quarter bundles in the shop.
Fat Eighth Bundle
Not as common of a cut, a fat eighth bundle is made up of a fat 1/8 of a yard cut (9" x 22"). Like a Fat Quarter Bundle, these are usually cut by the manufacturer and will have a piece of each fabric in the line. Great for scrappier patterns that will only need smaller cuts. Click here to see all the Fat Eighth bundles in the shop.
Layer Cakes or 10" Stackers or Ten Squares
Most typically known as a Layer Cake, this precut bundle has 10" x 10" squares of fabric, usually 42 in a bundle. This precut is great for a quick patchwork quilt or if the line has larger scale prints. Click here to shop all Layer Cakes.
Charm Pack or 5" Stacker or Charm Squares
Similar to a Layer Cake, just smaller scale, these are 5" x 5" squares and usually have 42 squares in a pack. Depending on the size of the line you will usually get repeats of some prints. These are perfect for patchwork quilts, buffalo plaids, and geometric layouts. Click here to check out all the Charm Packs in the shop.
Mini Charm Packs
Not offered by many manufacturers, these cute little squares measure in at 2.5" x 2.5" . Sometimes called "Moda Candy" because they are just so delicious you could eat them! These are great for working on small scale projects, like a christmas stocking, wall hanging, or baby quilt. Click here to shop all Mini Charms.
Jelly Rolls or Rolie Polies or Roll-Ups
Great for strip-quilts, these versatile precuts are made up of 2.5" x 44" cut strips of fabric. Most bundles have 40 strips but the amount can vary. Moda also offers scrap bags that are cut like a jelly roll that can be really fun! We love making Jelly Roll Rugs with these - so bright and fun.
A variation of the Jelly Roll that isn't as common is called a Honey Bun. Only offered by Moda Fabrics, this is cut like a Jelly Roll just skinnier at 1.5" x 44". Some patterns call specifically for these and can be great for smaller patchwork blocks!
Click to shop all Jelly Rollsa and Honey Buns in the shop.
Precuts are a great way to make quilting accessible, with less cutting and more time to spend being creative! Next time you find a collection you love but aren't sure what to make just grab a few precuts so that when inspiration strikes you will be ready.